P2P Industries develops open source software and tools for making it simpler to connect and operate robots and swarms.
We are currently developing a ROS2 extension that will take care of all low-level networking and data exchange.
ROS2 Extension
As we ship our solution as a ROS2 extension you can continue using your current hardware and techstack.
Easy setup
Setting up new robots into the network is as easy as activating the extension. Everyone can do it.
End-to-End Security
All communication is end-to-end encrypted. Fine grane automatic permissions ensure that every robot can only do what it's supposed to do.
Optimized for Mobile Robots
Our platform is designed so that everyone in your factory can implement logic, because the true knowledge about issues, processes and machines is with them not the IT department.
Built on wireless mesh technology, there is no need to cover your robots with WiFi or setup a connection to the cloud. Just turn on the devices you need and they will figure it out by themselves.
Because of the decentralized architecture, the whole system can't be taken down through the failure of a single robot. If everything that needs to communicate can do so, then it will still work.